Sabtu, 28 Desember 2013

Book Review "해와 달이 된 오누이"

Diposting oleh Unknown di 20.35 0 komentar
Hello everyone it's been a long time since i posted in this blog
a few months ago i won a lucky draw from twoChois and i got a book called "해와 달이 된 오누이" which means "The Sun and the Moon are Siblings"
This is a korean children story book that aimed (of course) for children, but this is so suitable for upper korean intermediate to advance learner because it doesn't have a romanization in it.
Before i tell further about this book, i wanna tell you about what i got from twoChois :)

This is what i got in the rainy morning a few months ago ;) i just woke up and saw this in my desk

As you can see, the package is so well-wrapped and when i opened it i saw a cute notebook and a story book. The notebook is sooo cute i like it too much! thanks twoChois <3 <3 

This book includes an audio CD too. I think the CD is so useful because you can read the book while hearing the story from the CD. It becomes more interesting because it has a soound effect too hahaha i heard the story from CD a few times  but i never get bored :D I think this is the best way to make learning korean more interesting than just reading the book. You should try it! (so, buy this book ;))

As you can see, the story is told by hangeul and no romanization, So, you should be able to read hangeul before read this book. I took at least a month to read and understand the story. I searched the word i don't uderstand in the dictionary and finally i can understand all the story yeay! *i'm so proud* 

The book is full colour and has a picture that describe the story in every page. The picture is so cute and i can imagine the story because i see the picture hehe. And it also has a one-page story about "떡은 어떤 음식 인가요 ?" or in English it means "What kind of food '떡' is?"
After reading that i finally know what kind of food 떡 is and it makes me wanna try some! :p

There are 19 other books with different story. I wanna read every story and learn more about korean traditional story hehe. I'm sure all the stories are interesting to read, and of course very suitable for learning korean ;)

Nb: Sorry for the bad pictures, just took it with my handphone hehe

Jumat, 22 November 2013

Let's Try TwoChois's 27th Luckr Draw! ;))

Diposting oleh Unknown di 18.04 0 komentar

[Apply Now] The 27th Book Review Lucky Draw Begins!

다들 잘 지내셨나요?
포스팅이 너무 늦어진 점 사과드립니다.
제 26 회 Lucky Draw에 많은 관심을 보내주셔서 감사합니다.
오늘부터 진행되는 스물 일곱 번째 Lucky Draw도 많은 관심 부탁드려요- >_<
The book is suitable for intermediate to advanced level learners.
We chose this book because we really thought it would be useful and good to increase grammar especially  맞춤법(grammar).
All contents are written in Korean and readers should be able to read and understand instruction of the book.

Book Info.

짱! 한글 6단계
Published by Sejong Education, 144 pages  ISBN: 9788995591352
This book is originally designed for children who just started to learn Korean(Hangeul).
The book is written in Korean, however, this is an ideal book for people who want to enhance their writing skill.
Zzang! Hangeul (짱! 한글) is consisted of 6 stages.
All written in Korean but really good for increasing your writing skill especially 맞춤법.
Suitable for intermediate and advanced level learners.
Some of the contents need instructor. (Please find someone could help you with it.)
Increase your 맞춤법 Skill with this!!!
** Preview images of 짱! 한글 Level 6
zzang_6_1_copy__01418.1362564270.1280.1280zzang_6_2_copy__06979.1362564271.1280.1280 zzang_6_3_copy__59605.1362564273.1280.1280
Check out more preview images on our store. :)- if you cannot see bigger preview images than images above, please let us know.

How can I apply for Book review lucky draw?

2. Leave a reply to this post with the address of your active blog.
3. Share this post on your blog or Facebook.

When do you announce the winner of the lucky draw?

The winner of the lucky draw would be announced on the coming Tuesday.
As soon as the winner gives us shipping information, we ship the book right away.
After shipment, we will send a tracking number to the winner.
The winner is responsible to write a review(with photos) on our store and winner’s blog within a month after receiving the book.
The winner cannot apply for other Book Review Lucky Draws to give more opportunities to others.
Thanks for your understanding. :)
Why hesitate?
Apply it now - :)

Kamis, 13 Juni 2013

Chapter 5: Another Galau Story

Diposting oleh Unknown di 01.14 0 komentar
mau ngepost galau dulu nih. biasa tentang kuliah -__-
galau kuliah emang ga pernah abis abis ya cape
sbenernya milih jurusan kuliah tuh mnurut cita-cita yg kita pengen atau ngambil jruusan yg sesuai kemampuan sih?
gw pengen kerja di multimedia gitu gw suka sih tapi gw ga yakin gw bisa kenapa ya
gw ga ada basic soalnya jadi ga pede takut..
aaaaaaaaaaah gila ngegalauin ini dari kemaren
gara-gara stalking nih ah jadi galau gini.
gw stalking orang" yg kuliah jruusan yg sama kaya yg gw pengen
ya gitu deh asa mereka hebat" pisan
gatau itu mreka asalnya ga ada basic juga ato emang udah ada basic.
gimana dong dong :(((
mana gw terbeban lg kudu usaha dapet beasiswa -_-
ya usaha mah pasti lah tapi kan ga semudah yg dibayangkan tau.
mana pake bahasa alien gitu.. pelajaran yg gampang juga bisa jadi susah gara-gara ga ngerti bahasanya
mana mahal lagi biayanya ampun deh.
klo misalnya gw ga dapet beasiswa terus ga ada duit terus amit amit ga bisa ngelanjutin kuliah gara" mahal gimana coba serem kan
mungkin orang laen mikir gw enak udah nyante udah dapet kuliah tp kuliah di sana ga gampang juga..
gw aja sampe terbeban gini. jadi banyak pikiran jadi takut gitu hahaha
mana harusnya udah 2 minggu kemaren gw ke jakarta buat ikut kelas pengenalan. malah gw ga dateng gara" mendadak dikasih taunya dangw belom cari kosan
gimana nasib gw coba -_-
ntar gw masuk taunya gw ga ada temen aja
amit amit

yah inilah kegalauan gw dari kemaren kemaren
babay deh

Selasa, 07 Mei 2013

Chapter 4: Prom

Diposting oleh Unknown di 21.56 0 komentar
hai hai akhirnya UN udah selesai nih.. tinggal nunggu hasilnya aja. Gw takut loh.. Tapi harus yakin lulus yey! tapi takuut -__-

Ya intinya sih bentar lagi bakal ada prom nih.. Saatnya cewe-cewe beraksi hehehe.
Biasanya sih cewe-cewe yang rempong nyari dress buat ke prom, dandan yg cantik gituu. Termasuk gw juga sih. Gw rempong nyari sepatu buat pergi dan sampe sekarang belom dapet loh. coba aja boleh pake swallow aja perginya, kan ga bakal rempong gini -_- Enak juga ya jadi cowo, ga usah repot. Paling dresscodenya ga jauh dari kemeja aja..
Entah kenapa dulu gw semangat banget buat ke prom. Udah mikirin mau pake baju apa, sampe niat cari-cari heels.Tapi sekarang ko niat gw berkurang ya? Gw jadi agak males dateng ke prom.. Emang sebenernya sih gw kurang suka dateng ke acara-acara begituan. Yaa kurang pede aja gitu.. Takut ntar saltum atau gimana..
Tapi berhubung gw udah bayar dan udah repot cari sepatu-yang-sampe-sekarang-belom-ketemu yaa udah deh gw ikut aja, kan sayang juga hehe
Tapi tetep aja ad abeberapa hal yang bikin gw watir gitu.. Tau deh gw kepikiran terus -_-

Btw, ini baju yg bakal gw pake ke prom nanti.. dresscodenya sih casual formal gitu. ga ngerti deh itu kaya gimana. Ngomong-ngomong ini baju udah gw beli dari taun kapan ye cuma belom pernah gw pake keluar aja. gatau mau dipake kemana hehe wdyt?

Sabtu, 30 Maret 2013

Chapter 3 : ROSE by 이하이

Diposting oleh Unknown di 02.12 0 komentar
My love is like a red rose
Yes, I may be fragrant
But the closer you get, the more I’ll hurt you

Don’t look at me with that light glance
Don’t speak of love easily
If you want my heart, you need to take my pain too
Because you will be pricked by my thorns someday

* My love is like a red rose
It may be beautiful now
But my sharp thorns will hurt you
My love is like a red rose
Yes, I may be fragrant
But the closer you get, the more I’ll hurt you

Don’t look at me with that light glance
Don’t speak of love easily
If you want my heart, you need to take my pain too
Because you will be pricked by my thorns someday

** Don’t trust me too much
You don’t know me that well yet
So just run away run away
I said ooh ooh ooh
Don’t love me
You don’t know me that well yet
I said run away just run away
Don’t come to me

* Repeat

Seeing your confidence makes me feel so bad for you
Your confident footsteps toward me looks so pitiful today
Emotions? That’s an extravagance to me
Love? That’s Obsession’s best friend
So run away just run away
Cuz you and I must come to an end

Every rose has its thorn
Every rose has its thorn
Every rose has its thorn 

fall in love with lee hayi at the first sight! 

she's so adorable love her :*

Kamis, 28 Maret 2013

Chapter 2 : Lazy Holiday

Diposting oleh Unknown di 16.14 0 komentar
sekarang gw lg liburan loh!
akhirnya ada libur juga stelah stres pra terus ga beres-beres dari kemaren haha
dan sperti biasa gw jd kalong kalo liburan..
bukan kalong sih lebih tepatnya wanita malam hahaha
tiap liburan kayanya gw selalu gini deh ga ada kerjaan kalo siang-siang..
tadi siang gw dengan sukses membuat piring belah dua coba yaoloh tragis banget -_-
dan sekarang gw baru aja ngakak" nonton running man sampe diomelin sama orang rumah gara" suara ketawa gw yg cetar membahana badai subuh" gini -_-
baru aja beres ketawa sekarang gw lg nangis" nih gara" nonton film super sedih
dasar wanita labil -_-
pengen jalan jalan euy sama temen tapiii selalu aja ga bisa sedih :"(
dan seperti biasa gw penyebab ketidakjadian jalan-jalan hahaha
maafkan aku ceman ceman apa daya rumah di pelosok-yang-jauh-dari-mana-mana
kayanya ntar abis UN gw butuh ngekos aja biar gampang kalo mau jalan-jalan 
udah ah udah  jam 6:13 dan gw belom tidur 
babay annyeong! celamat pagi! celamat tidur!

salam cipok

Rabu, 27 Maret 2013

Chapter 1 : Finally!

Diposting oleh Unknown di 10.00 0 komentar
hehe akhirnya buat blog juga setelah sekian lama 
sbenernya bikin blognya buat kepentingan stalking berhubung tmen" gw smuanya stalker sejati jadi butuh bahan stalking jd aja buat blog hahaha
ini ga tau lagi mau nulis apa -_-
yauda deh tar aja lanjut lagi ya kalo udah ada cerita.. gw kan ga ngetik dulu ceritanya di word kaya seseorang (sebut saja "si lulu bertebaran") hahaha

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